Sputnik Sweetheart

Murakami is a talented author and as of now, I own two of his books. I have yet to finish 1Q84. Yesterday, I purchased a book of his titled, “Sputnik Sweetheart.” I was so entranced by the book that I couldn’t put it down. I finished the book the same day.

The book is about a twenty-three-year-old aspiring female author who survives on a family stipend and the creative input of her only friend named, “K”, who is the narrator and main protagonist (and also is in love with Sumire.) Sumire falls in love with a married woman named Miu and by the middle of the story Sumire goes missing. K. and Mui go on a search to find her, but in the end cannot find her. I don’t want to reveal any spoilers in case someone is interested in reading it, but overall it was a good book. The only issue I have with it is the ending…which was unclear.

I have read somewhere that Murakami is known for a lack of clear and concise endings. Despite K. explaining in the book that Sumire did not love him in a romantic sense, I have a feeling she did. However, the book never said she did…but the way it ended…hm…I think she did.

If I would have to rate this book, I would give it four out of five stars. I would rate it five stars if it hadn’t been for that ending. D:

Have you ever heard a Murakami book? If so, which one and what about it did you like/didn’t like?


  1. Sounds like a great read. Some authors like to be deep or mysterious with their endings. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

    1. It was a really good book, but the ending didn't work for me because there was unanswered questions that left me hanging. XD Thank you for commenting!




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